Expanding Pilates

Practice Pilates on your time in your home

We offer "livestream" classes and training sessions taught in real-time. You can grow and maintain your Pilates practice by simply turning on your laptop or tablet. Each session is done through Zoom. The Zoom platform allows the instructor and students to interact seamlessly.

Our group classes offer both virtual fitness and community building as we laugh and sweat together. Mat classes have different themes and a focus on different props allowing more variety in our classes. Group classes are a great way to feed off of the energy of fellow students.

Our group reformer sessions will allow a maximum of 6 students to allow for more personal feedback from your instructor. If you don't have a reformer at home check out our "Reform at Home" monthly membership.

Virtual Private sessions are also available. Private instruction is a great option for those who are new to Pilates, recovering/managing injury, and who own additional Pilates equipment not covered in our class offerings.


Reform at Home Membership

Get the equipment from the studio to your home

Our Reform at Home membership is a monthly membership where we provide a reformer for you to use in virtual classes. In addition to the reformer rental, you will receive unlimited virtual classes, a weekly pre-recorded reformer session, and discounted private session rates. Reformer rentals are limited so reserve yours today!


How you benefit

Pilates offers many health benefits

  • improved flexibility
  • increased muscle strength and tone, paticularly the core muscles (abs, lower back, hips, and buttocks)
  • balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body
  • enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs
  • improved stabilization of your spine
  • rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances
  • improved physical coordination and balance
  • relaxation of your shoulders, neck, and upper back
  • safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries
  • prevention of musculoskeletal injuries
  • improved concentration
  • stress management and relaxation

Something to Say?

Questions, Comments, Concerns, Life Dreams. Let Us Know!